Air Passengers Want Self-Service
A new survey indicates that air passengers prefer the self-service options offered through technology over completing the same tasks via airline employees. In fact, 55% of passengers reported using some self-service tech for air travel. According to the “2016 SITA Passenger IT Trends Survey” published on May 28, 2016, airline passengers are now so comfortable with technology – especially their own mobile devices – that airlines and airports must offer passengers both choice as well as control.
Tech + Self-Service = Satisfaction
The survey found that passengers are happiest during the steps in the air travel process which permit the most choice and self-control. For example, at booking, which can be done via PC, mobile, or an agent, 93% of passengers report a positive experience. At the opposite end of the spectrum, passengers reported the most negative emotions are experienced during security screening, which permit the least amount of choice and self-control.
Once passengers are converted from person-to-person to self-service technology, the survey found that few want to go back. For example, 91% use self-service check-in for every flight. In addition, even if passengers are not entirely satisfied with one type of self-service technology, they are willing to try to use another self-service technology rather than return to person-to-person contact.
“Ease of use” was deemed to be important by passengers in increasing the rate of adoption. Not all passengers are as quick to adopt new technology. For example, at check-in, the survey found that the ease of use can increase self-service kiosk adoption by as much as 86% and mobile by 59.%.
Lastly, passengers indicated an interest in more mobile services during air travel. Those passengers who identified as “hyper-connected” through the survey and, therefore, the most likely to use mobile self-service options during air travel, reported themselves to be among the happiest of passengers.
Survey Description
The survey included responses from more than 9,000 passengers from 19 countries which represented nearly 75% of global passenger traffic.